This post brought to you by Tom’s of Maine. All opinions are 100% mine.
It’s been a kitty-centric month so far. August 4th marked our 1 year adoptionversary for Sirius and Ghost.
I can’t believe how little they were! One year and 15 lbs later:
Then last week, my parents adopted Stella:
To even further keep kitties on the brain, my friend Cindy (of AngryGirlGear) started a new Facebook page called Sharing is Caring. All you have to do to help participate is like the page and like the animals- every comment, like, and share has the potential to find an animal a home! You can literally sit on your ass and do good. Besides, who wouldn’t want to give a cute kitty or dog a thumbs up anyway?
This all seemed to be the perfect segue to talk about the Tom’s of Maine Good First application on Facebook
How to use the app:
1. You start by answering the question “What did you put first today that made you feel especially good?” Choose from five general topics that reflect Tom’s of Maine’s core belief in healthy, human and environmental goodness.
2. Your answer is rewarded with a corresponding badge of honor on your timeline.
Helping People | Helping Animals | Healthy Eating | Healthy Living | Caring for Mother Earth
3. Good First then shows you which friends share your passion for the topic you selected.
With all the negativity in the world, sometimes it’s nice to take time to highlight the good. I know, my inner hippie is peeking out again, isn’t it? But you can’t argue with science. Clinical study after clinical study shows that expressing gratitude and doing good things for others (and yourself) has actual health benefits.
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One thought on “Doing Good”
I’m in love with Stella! Also, great pages.