Ring around the rosie

Two of my favorite flowers are blooming right now: lupine and columbine.

I started both plants as seeds in my first Winter Sowing experiment a few years ago. I didn’t get any blooms the first year, as expected. Last year, the columbines bloomed almost all summer, but the lupines looked like such pathetic weaklings, I’d pretty much written them off. I think I got three scrawny blooms between four plants.

Lupines always reminded me of popsicles when I was a kid. I think it’s the bomb pop-esque shape. Damn it. Now I really want a bomb pop.

But this year?

lupine2It’s lupine madness. One plant has about a dozen blooms on it!

(I also learned an interesting lesson today: cold camera that was in the basement studio + steamy outdoor air after a rain = foggy lens. It looks like it’s misty outside in that picture, but it’s actually just condensation on the lens. I had to clear it off about 20 times while I was taking photos!)


The columbine seeds were from a mix, so I had no idea what color the blooms would be when I planted them… I just happened to get lucky and these four I planted together all came up in shades of pink. Bonus!

I think I missed my call when it comes to botany… I could look at garden crap on Pinterest all day long. Not to mention spend a fortune on seeds and plants.

What are your favorite flowers?

Leave a comment below!


98 thoughts on “Ring around the rosie

  1. My favorite flowers are orchids. Something about then being beautiful and technically a parasite is just cool.

  2. I’m in love with lilies; almost any variety. Since I must choose though, I’m rocking with the tiger lily.

  3. New site is so much cleaner and easier to navigate. My favorite flower is Sunflowers, bright and cheery.

  4. Buffalo bean because they are my mother’s favorite and they always bloom around her birthday.

  5. My favourite flowers are probably orchids. More specifically the bumblebee orchid (which looks and smells like the female of a bumblebee species in order to trick the males to get pollinated) and the monkey face orchid, which looks like a, well, monkey face!

  6. My favorite flower is Lilac. In Germany where I am from they bloom right around Mothers day and I always went and picked them for my mom. Here were I live in VA they come in a bit too early and are done blooming at Mothers day, further north though they come in at the right time for it. Though I am not moving up there – too cold.
    Site looks great.

  7. Gerbera, any color, i’m in love with them!

    Also love you lex…on day i will afford one of your creation and it’ s always a pleasure to see you on youtube

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