Screamin’ Deals

Today is my birthday, happy birthday to me!

To celebrate, I’m having a big sale in my shop. Everything at is 28% off! Even if you’ve only got a few bucks burning a hole in your pocket, there are tons of Smarmtastic accessories that you won’t find anywhere else!

POW! comic book hero tank dress

bloody leopard Misfits halter dress

Bride of Frankenstein spiderweb corset hoodie

custom Bunny Rabbit FairyTails hair streaks

custom Whale FairyTails hair streaks

custom Bat FairyTails hair streaks

custom Dolphin FairyTails hair streaks

custom Fish FairyTails hair streaks

drink me Alice in Wonderland bottle necklace

lime zebra Nekromantix hoodie

green leopard print corset hoodie

stripe + skull Pirates of the Caribbean tunic hoodie

4 thoughts on “Screamin’ Deals

    1. Hehe, thanks! The new hair is actually a wig. šŸ™‚ It must be pretty convincing because everyone thinks it’s real.

  1. I got to your website by chance, i was searching in google for sewing arts and crafts :)))) – your clothes are so cool. I am loving your lime zebra Nekromantix hoodie!!! WOW!!

    Happy Birthday – be blessed always šŸ™‚

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