How To Photograph Your Product For Dummies, by A Dummy
I will preface this post with the admission that I really am a dummy when it comes to photography. I don’t know many technical terms, I’ve never taken a class… I’ve learned it all through trial and error.
There are a few key components that you’ll need, but aside from the camera, they’re not too expensive (and in some cases, free), so don’t fret, my pet.
What you need:
a camera – Your phone doesn’t count.
light – Natural daylight is the best!
a tripod – I guess if your phone can go on a tripod and takes decent pictures, I’ll let you slide…

Optional items:
a backdrop – I use a cheapo bed sheet. It’s not the prettiest or most professional, but it works.
a remote for your camera – If you’re the model and photographer, this will make your life a million times easier. I got mine from Amazon.
additional lighting – The more “daylight-like”, the better. See the bottom of this post for a link to a great tutorial for lighting on the cheap.